Tiqti Sud Chapel & Center

Tiqti Sud Chapel & Center

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Called to be a Lay Missioner with the Franciscan Mission Service in Bolivia

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Feast of St. Francis Church Tour

The inside of the Church of San Francisco, about two blocks from my home, in the middle of a weekday.

The bell tower of The Parish of Hospicio, also located two blocks from my apartment in the other direction. I can see part of the other tower from one of my windows.

The Chapel of Santa Clara, just around the corner from my apartment. I can see the church spire from our outside interior balcony. It shows up in other blogs, from the balcony vista.  This is the chapel of the convent that provided the Social Center it's building.

This is the church at the Recoletta, where my former pastor (of San Pedro in Sacaba) Fr. Honny is currently the pastor. It is about a 20 minute walk from my house.

This is the chapel at the local hospital. Which not only provides a place to pray during visiting hours, but also has a parish with weekend masses.

The final picture is the interior of the church at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Tarata. Which was an old monastery.


  1. Atención
    El objetivo es informar al público en general, hombres y mujeres sanos. Quién está interesado en
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    Médula ósea: 900.000 €
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